Which of the following describes the multiverse? (select the best answer)
The multiverse exists only abstractly.
The multiverse is the collection of all physical space.
The multiverse began with the Big Bang.
The multiverse is part of the universe.
Which of the following is true about abstract and nonabstract existence? (select the best answer)
Nonabstract entities are also called physical entities, are acted upon by gravity, and interact with other nonabstract entities.
Abstract entities are not acted upon by gravity and must be stored in a nonabstract (material) host.
All entities that exist, whether abstract or nonabstract, are perceived as existing.
All of the above are correct.
Which of the following entities are nonabstract entities (i.e. physical objects)? (select more than one)
an electron
a dollar's worth of money
a dollar bill
My friend has this whimsical "theory of everything" called the little green men theory. According to this theory, all physical interactions are caused by invisible little green men who push things around. For example, things fall because invisible little green men push them towards the ground. Also opposite charges attract because the invisible little green men push them towards each other. What is wrong with my friend's theory? (select more than one)
It's too generic and doesn't give quantitative predictions.
If the men are invisible, they can't be green since green is a visible color.
My friend drinks too much coffee and stays up too late at night thinking about how to develop a theory of everything.
What is space mixing? (select the best answer)
Something that DJ's do with music.
The exchange of interactions or information in physical space.
A reversible process.
Which of the following is the single most important ingredient for constructing a Theory of Everything? (select the best answer)
Having an accurate understanding of gravitational interactions.
Having an accurate understanding of nuclear interactions.
Having an accurate understanding of the structure of physical space.
Having an accurate understanding of electromagnetic interactions.
Which of the following is called the space mixing theorem? (select the best answer)
Distances within physical space can be characterized by an invariant distance parameter.
Opposite charges attract and like charges repel.
All physical properties can be embedded in a self-scalar field called the latent scalar, L.
Which of the following scientists tried unsuccessfully to develop a theory of everything during the last decades of his life? (select the best answer)