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Before submitting your manuscript, you must complete the submission checklist. Right click on the following hyperlink and then select 'Save Target As' submission checklist. Save the file and then edit it with a text editor like notepad. Submit your manuscript and completed checklist as attached files to tom[[at]]

Please submit your manuscript in pdf or MS word format.

Articles should convey the underlying scientific principles in a concise, well-written, and well-organized fashion. The background and main scientific principles should be clearly explained. Furthermore, all important details of mathematical derivations must be included so the reader can easily and completely follow derivations. All fundamental details of experiments must be included. If necessary, a supplementary information section can be used to describe details that are too lengthy for the main paper.

Before submitting your manuscript, please review this checklist:

  • Does your article present original ideas and content?
  • Is the article written in a clear and concise manner with good organization?
  • Does the article maintain high standards of academic excellence?
  • Are the scientific principles of the article communicated effectively?
  • Does the article clearly distinguish between speculative and substantiated claims?
  • Does the article cite relevant prior research and their relationship to the claims of the article?
  • Does the article address an important topic related to space mixing?
  • Does your article follow the format requirements listed below? (Some flexibility in format is acceptable as long as you are consistent.)

Format Requirements:

Articles must be submitted in English.

An MS word document is required when submitting the revised, final manuscript. However, a pdf file is acceptable for the initial submission. If you cannot submit your article in either of these two formats, please email tom[[at]] prior to submitting your article to see what arrangements can be made.

An abstract of less than 300 words must accompany the article. The abstract should clearly and concisely summarize the objectives, methods, and results of your article.

The article should be organized into sections which follow a logical sequence. The first section must explain the objectives of the research and provide a brief background. Subsequent sections should develop the main ideas of the article, and these should be followed by a conclusion section at the end which briefly summarizes the main findings. If desirable, the main sections (numbered 1, 2, etc.) may be broken down into subsections (2.1, 2.2, etc.).

References in the body of the article should be cited by mentioning the main author's last name followed by the year of publication in parentheses. If there are two authors of the work, the last names of both authors should be used followed by the year of publication. If there are three or more authors, the last name of first author should be used followed by et al.


Davidson (2000) describes a method for the construction of the apparatus. However, his method has been shown to fail at high pressures. (Weber and Smith 2001, Fisher et al 2002 ) We propose a modification to Davidson's procedure applicable to high pressures.

References should be listed at the end of the article in alphabetic sequence by last name. See example article for this reference list format.

If desired, references can also be cited using a superscript number or a number in brackets. In this case, the references at the end of the article should be listed in the order of citation. If the same reference is cited at multiple places in the article, the same number should be used so that each reference appears only once in the reference list. See example article for this reference list format.

Equations should be center justified, followed by the number of the equation in parentheses. The equation number should be placed slightly indented from the right margin. Equations must be numbered consecutively.

Tables and figures should be labeled in consecutive order accompanied by a brief title or caption. (Table 1, Table 2, Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.) Captions for tables go above the table, and captions for figures go below the figure.

example article

What is the review process?